Baggage Delivery

Yamato Transport

Yamato Transport(Yamato TA-Q-BIN)

Service Details

Home-delivery service of suitcases and related items *Cool TA-Q-BIN also available


Central Terminal 1F

1F Check-in Counter Map

Business Hours

7:00 - 21:00

Tel. <Calling within Japan [English]>
0120-17-9625(9:00 - 18:00)

<Calling from outside Japan [English]>
+81(0)3-6757-1061(9:00 - 18:00)

Post Office(Yu-Pack)

Service Details

Home-delivery service of suitcases and related items


Central Terminal 1F

1F Check-in Counter Map

Business Hours

9:00 - 17:00

Tel. +81(0)6-6841-1060(9:00 - 17:00)


Service Details

Home-delivery service of suitcases and related items


Central Terminal 1F

1F Check-in Counter Map

Business Hours

6:00 - 23:00

Tel. +81(0)6-6852-5223(6:00 - 23:00)